ADOBE, 2022

Enhancing the course enrolment flow by closing dead ends and catering to the motivations of the learner

My role

  • Research

  • Conceptualisation

  • Design

Research, Conceptualisation, Design, Usability testing. Dev handoff


  • Design manager

  • Senior designer

  • Product Manager

Design manager, Product manager, 7 engineers


2 months

2 months


My journey in the Adobe Learning Manager team

In May 2022, Adobe Learning Manager saw an opportunity to boost engagement on the product by helping learners learn from their peers. This project involved design interventions in the course enrolment flow.

In September 2022, Postman recognised that their users were having trouble discovering new resources and navigating to the resources they already used and wanted to reduce time spent in these activities. I explored design interventions on various touch-points in the app with the help of the user-search data indexed by the search team.

But what is Adobe Learning Manager?

ALM is a white-label course hosting platform for businesses to give learning experiences to their employees, customers or partners. E.g. if Apple had to set up a private YouTube for their software devs to educate them with courses on leadership, cross-functional teams or career growth etc.

Learn more below!

understanding the user

Adobe Learning Manager is for learning, not just compliance training!

Learners came to the platform for mandatory compliance trainings and didn't discover courses to learn and up-skill, even when the platform offered a lot more than that.

The course page did not do any favours in communicating value of the course

Users were not able to understand why to take up a course, and the enrolment flow ended with a dead end, making the user return to home to start something new.

understanding the market

How are the rest of them doing it?

I studied competitor apps in the market like Docebo, Cornerstone, Degreed, Coursera etc. to understand how their course enrolment flows work. Since we did not have the paid subscriptions to these softwares, I overcame the challenge of mapping flows through watching YouTube videos.

Understanding course content

Learners can understand the contents of the course faster as the apps presented the gist of the course in a brief, relevant and snack-able manner

Understanding quality of course

Learners are able to guage the quality of the course faster as the apps have a comprehensive social proof through a combination of ratings and review

Closing dead ends in enrolment

Learners are able to discover new courses to learn from after finishing a course faster as the apps loop in the discovery flows after learners finish a course

final outcome

Why should I take up this course?

Won't in be great if social activity lets the user to explore more on the platform and use it for social-proof based, targeted learning?

Snackable, relevant details about the course

Along with the description, a card that sums up the course in 5 learnings was added so that learners can make quick and informed decisions for their learning needs. Understanding the ROI of a course faster will help learners enrol in more courses.

Interesting course topic, but is the course any good?

The course detail page allows the learner to rate a course, but doesn't show any rating or equivalent social proof regarding the course.

Enhancing social proof for course reviews

In a separate tab called 'Reviews', I added two social proof features—star ratings and most liked attributes. This would help the user understand the value of the course faster through comparing multiple options based on rating and browsing through reviews.

In the post-course completion flow. Learners can choose 3 attributes from 6 options for text-based reviews, and the top 3 most voted attributes are showcased alongside text-based feedback.

The Most Liked Attributes card would be populated from data obtained through a post-course completion rating flow. All individual attributes corresponding to each review can be checked through the text reviews present under this component.

I finished a course! But what now?

Congratulations! The learner went through the whole course, but now they land back on the ‘modules’ tab, which is a dead end. At this point, the learner must either go to the landing page to look for another course to do or search for a specific topic, which is an obstruction to engagement.

Looping out of the dead-end with Related Courses

Learners land on the ‘related courses’ tab after finishing the course, which gives them ways to go ahead. It would be more courses by the author, more courses in the interest a course belongs to, or higher level courses in the same interest, or learning paths the course belongs to. This way, the related courses tab keeps the learners engaged by redirecting them to discover and explore more courses and eliminating the dead end.

signing off!


This project motivated me to explore wide compared to deep, and find a variety of opportunities to add value to the learners. Its been delivered to be developed and will be incorporated into the product based on leadership priorities. Here are a couple of most important takeaways:

Critically analysing the market

I honed the skill of critically analysing what's in the market - balancing between getting inspired from them while simultaneously looking at them with a magnifying glass

Customer Success collaboration

I understood the value Customer Success Managers bring to B2B products, they helped me with first hand insights from the users of this product from Adobe's clients

Enjoyed the case study? Check the other two out!

This case study is the 2nd of the 3 parts of my internship at Adobe. Check the others out below!


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Copyright © 2024 Yash Shenai. This website is typeset in PP Editorial New by Pangram-Pangram and General Sans by Indian Type Foundry, and developed in Framer.

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Copyright © 2024 Yash Shenai. This website is typeset in PP Editorial New by Pangram-Pangram and General Sans by Indian Type Foundry, and developed in Framer.

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